When Buddy was little, he loved Thomas the Tank Engine. He had all of the little metal train cars, all of the shows on tape, Thomas sheets & comforter, Thomas pjs, etc. Heck, Gus still watches the show on TV!
Publication Station has a great deal on the Thomas the Tank Engine magazine. A 2 year subscription (12 issues) is normally $60 - but they are offering a 2 year subscription for $20!!
Since it's delivered bi-monthly, it can take up to 14 weeks to receive your first issue. For ages 3-8.
Happiness is a clean house.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It's a happy day in the D'Agostino household. Why?
All of the bathrooms are clean!! And the kitchen floor has been mopped!! Silly, you say? You wouldn't think so if your house hadn't been cleaned really well for 3 months.
Since late December, I haven't been able to do my usual household chores. Gus has tried to pick up the slack, but there's just not enough time. Besides, he already works 40+ hours/week, does the yard work, & takes out the trash - so why should he have to do everything else as well? Anyway, I now have a cleaning lady that will be coming every 2 weeks!!! Woot!!
Rosey (I'm going to call her Rosey after the Jetson's maid, LOL) swept in here at 9:00 this morning, and a mere 3 hours later, I had a spotless kitchen floor and immaculate 3.5 baths!! No easy feat considering that Lulu's bathroom had about 2 inches of hairspray caked on the counter & floor. Best $70 we ever spent.
I'm experiencing a few uneasy feelings about having a woman who is almost old enough to be my mother cleaning my house. I was raised to respect my elders, and her working while I rest feels a bit wrong. I know, I know - it's not like I just don't want to do it - I really can't do it, but I feel a bit guilty. Rosey's husband is out of work and she cleans houses to support them, so I'm telling myself that I'm really helping her by giving her more work. And let's not forget - I HAVE SPOTLESS BATHROOMS!!!
However, I don't feel guilty about having Gus's work clothes pressed by the dry cleaner. I have always hated ironing and I'm pretty sure that feeling isn't going to disappear, even when I can use my right arm again. Gus never understood what a nasty chore ironing was until he had to take over the job. I think he ironed for about 2 weeks when he made the executive decision to take everything to the dry cleaner. Hmmm. He ironed for 2 weeks - I ironed for over 20 years - and now we outsource the ironing? Whatever. At least I don't have to do it. And this is one expense that won't be disappearing anytime soon. I may even toss out my iron. :-)
All of the bathrooms are clean!! And the kitchen floor has been mopped!! Silly, you say? You wouldn't think so if your house hadn't been cleaned really well for 3 months.
Since late December, I haven't been able to do my usual household chores. Gus has tried to pick up the slack, but there's just not enough time. Besides, he already works 40+ hours/week, does the yard work, & takes out the trash - so why should he have to do everything else as well? Anyway, I now have a cleaning lady that will be coming every 2 weeks!!! Woot!!
Rosey (I'm going to call her Rosey after the Jetson's maid, LOL) swept in here at 9:00 this morning, and a mere 3 hours later, I had a spotless kitchen floor and immaculate 3.5 baths!! No easy feat considering that Lulu's bathroom had about 2 inches of hairspray caked on the counter & floor. Best $70 we ever spent.
I'm experiencing a few uneasy feelings about having a woman who is almost old enough to be my mother cleaning my house. I was raised to respect my elders, and her working while I rest feels a bit wrong. I know, I know - it's not like I just don't want to do it - I really can't do it, but I feel a bit guilty. Rosey's husband is out of work and she cleans houses to support them, so I'm telling myself that I'm really helping her by giving her more work. And let's not forget - I HAVE SPOTLESS BATHROOMS!!!
However, I don't feel guilty about having Gus's work clothes pressed by the dry cleaner. I have always hated ironing and I'm pretty sure that feeling isn't going to disappear, even when I can use my right arm again. Gus never understood what a nasty chore ironing was until he had to take over the job. I think he ironed for about 2 weeks when he made the executive decision to take everything to the dry cleaner. Hmmm. He ironed for 2 weeks - I ironed for over 20 years - and now we outsource the ironing? Whatever. At least I don't have to do it. And this is one expense that won't be disappearing anytime soon. I may even toss out my iron. :-)

Just saying...
Friday, April 1, 2011
- Season 4 of True Blood starts June 26 - woot!! I can't decide if I'm Team Eric or Team Alcide, so I'm hoping they both bring some hotness to the screen.
- Turn signals were put on your car for a reason. That reason is to signal the other drivers around you that you intend to turn. It doesn't help much if you signal as you're turning or if you signal, start to turn, then change your mind at the last minute and swerve back into the other lane and almost hit the car that was behind you, but has now moved up to beside you. Of course, that does explain the smashed tail light on the passenger side of your car...
- The Hangover, Part II comes out May 26!! Watch the trailer - it's hilarious!! I also want to see Arthur (April 8), Fast Five (April 29) - seriously?? Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, AND Dwayne Johnson??, Thor (May 6), Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (May 20), X-Men First Class (June 3), The Green Lantern (June 17), Cars 2 (June 24), Transformers: Dark of the Moon (July 11), the last Harry Potter (July 15), & Captain America (July 22). I can't decide if I want to see Bridesmaids and Priest (both May 13) - they looked like something I might like, but I'm not 100% sure yet. (If you click on the links, they take you to the movie trailers). Oh - and Source Code looks interesting - I think it opens today.
- Way, way tired of this cold weather crap. It snowed again the other day! So much for Punxsutawny Phil and his predictions for spring. Whose idea was it to trust a groundhog to predict the weather anyway? Well, I guess he is just about as reliable as the weathermen on the local news - but I'm ready for some warm weather!!
- Thank God for pain pills.
- Was there really life before internet, laptops, and iPhones? I'd be less upset if I forgot my purse than if I forgot my iPhone. And let's not forget Starbucks.
Have a great weekend!!