Daylight Savings Time!
Friday, March 12, 2010
For those of you who live in states that observe Daylight Savings Time - don't forget that this weekend is the time to turn your clocks ahead one hour!! You don't want to be late for church or brunch or whatever you have planned for Sunday, March 14!!
I hate "losing" an hour of sleep, but it will be nice to have "more" daylight!!
The downside is the birds. They'll start chirping at 5am - and there is a tree outside each of my bedroom windows. Since I'm not a morning person, I don't find them charming or cheery or anything of the sort. Argh. But I can't wait to start enjoying breakfast on the deck again. That's one of the things I enjoy most about warm weather!
What are you looking forward to once it's spring/summer?

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