Military Moms...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Do you know a mom who has a child that will be deployed on Mother's Day? I read in Woman's Day about a wonderful Mother's Day gift that Canvas On Demand is offering free of charge - for the mom of any US soldier who won't be home for Mother's Day.
They will send a 16" X 20" canvas to the mom of a deployed service member for free ($112 value). The soldier just needs to go to to register for "Operation: Hi Mom!" and upload a photo and a message.
So if you know a soldier who is deployed, be sure to pass this info along - what a great gift for their mom!
Canvas On Demand has another offer called "Operation, Hi Honey!" - this one allows the soldier to register, upload a picture, and a message - and Canvas On Demand will send their spouse a free 16" X 20" canvas on their anniversary. I believe that random selections are made for this offer, but all submissions are available online and can be forwarded to family & friends.

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